Saturday, August 15, 2015


Once upon a time, not too long ago, there was a young 39 year old who wanted to be Fit and 40! Of course that 39 year old was me, and I did indeed achieve one of those goals! I'm sure you can figure out which one. 

Now, here I am more than a decade later, wanting to be Fit and 50 - OK, fit and 52...... there I said it, I will be 52 in October!! Where did the last 12 years go? They flew by, and were filled with many happy memories and some sad ones too. I still want to be fit at 52, and 62, and 72..... and this time I'm going to make it happen. How do I know I will do it this time? Because this time I found Beachbody, and I became a Beachbody Coach. 
My goal now is not just to get myself fit, but to encourage others (and if you're reading this, that means YOU!) to do the same.

I am passionate about helping others do NOW, what I tried to do years ago. It doesn't matter what age you are - it matters that you want to make a positive change in your life, to get fit and healthy.

I'm still on my journey, and I'd love you to join me.....
  • I will help you chose one of the many great fitness programs Beachbody has to offer.
  •  I will help you plan your meals and write out a grocery list each week. 

  • I will plug you in to one of my private challenge groups, where you can chat to other women wanting to reach the same goals as you. 
  •  I will be there with you every step of the way, available to you 24/7. You will be able to email me, or private message me on facebook, or text me, if you have any questions or concerns, or you just want to chat with a friend. 

If you're ready to start your journey to a healthier new you, I'm here ready to help you.

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